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Edition 4
Letter from Miss Bansfield
I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Miss Raye and the Rocket Reporters on their student newspaper.  What a great job they do! Every month they do their best to report all of the happenings at and around Ingalls.  
Great job & I can't wait to see what you write next.
Send us a message if you have something you'd like us to report on!

Teacher Interview

Ms. Falite


Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: 12 years.

Q: Have you always taught at Ingalls?

A: Ingalls, Connery and Harrington.

Q: Do you like teaching for 3rd grade?

A: I love it and I wouldn't change it for another grade.

Q: What other grades have you taught?

A: 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade.

Q: What do you like about teaching?

A: I like when the students learn, when students surprise me with their thinking, when they come up with new ideas, and
all the different personalities!

Q: What do you like to do for fun?

A: Go to the gym, camping and sports games.

Q: What is your favorite sport?

A: Basketball.

Q: Who is your favorite player?

A: Stephan Curry.

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: Wonderful Life and Lion King.

Q: Do you have pets? A: Bulldog, Turtle

and a fish.

A: Bulldog - 10 years, turtle - 1 year,

fish -  2 or 3 years.

Q: Who is your personal hero?

A: My grandmother.

Girls Basketball Schedule

By Malik



February 4th, Ford @ 2:45

Febuary 9th, Brickett @ 3:00

February 11th, Tracy @ 2:30

February 23rd, Ford @ 2:45

February 25th, Drewicz @ 2:30

March 1st, Hood @ 2:45

March 3rd, Harrington @ 2:30


All games are played here at Ingalls! Good luck girls!


Go Rockets!!

Jokes and Riddles

By Anette


What color socks do bears wear?  They don't, they have bear feet!


Why didn't the two fours go to the restaurant?  They already eight.


Why can't you hear the pterodactyl (Dinosaur) go to the bathroom?  The P is silent!


What do you call a Dinosour that sleeps a lot?  A Dino-snore!


Why did the girl wear glasses to math class? It improves her Di-vision.


What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? A clock.


What is the easiest way to double money? A mirror, of course!


What has to be broken before you can use it? An egg.


What comes down but never comes up? Rain.


In The News

Game review: NBA 2K9

By Wandy


Cool parts of the game: You can dunk the ball into the hoop and dribble it and cross people and you can play online or on your Xbox 360. You can pick any teams from the NBA to play against other teams.

What would make it better: If they can put Michael Jordan in it.

Who can play it: Everyone! 


I would give it 4 out of 5 stars.




Rotarians Jim Harris and Dave Richardson visited Ingalls School to pass along new dictionaries to all third grade students. Each year the Lynn Rotary Club collects donations from various businesses and purchases personal dictionaries for all third graders in the City of Lynn.

Thank you to the Rotary Club for their generous donation!!


The Kindergarten Celebration

By Alanna and Angela


First,  Mr. Frye said a speech about the core value.  Next, everyone stood up and said the pledge and My Promise.  After, Ms. Trainer talked about effort and the core value.  Then she called up a teacher with the classroom rules.  One of the rules was to solve their problems using rock paper scissors.  Some of the Kindergarteners said a speech about EFFORT.  Then Ms. Trainer told the parents that there were 3 books.  Their teacher read out loud Hey Little Ant while the kids acted it out.  The Kindergartens sang a song called "We’ll Work It Out."  Lastly,  the kids talked about how they would solve their problems.

Computer Science for All!


"In the coming years, we should build on that progress, by … offering every student the hands-on computer science and math classes that make them job-ready on day one."


 - President Obama in his 2016 State of the Union Address


Read more here:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 



Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the first out of the seven Harry Potter books/ movies. It is a book about a boy whose parents died from Lord Voldemort (everybody says you-know-who/ he-who-must-not-be-named) and all he has left with is his mean Uncle, Aunt and cousin, the Dursly’s. They try to be as normal as possible and keep a really BIG secret from Harry–that he’s a wizard! He finds out when a giant called Hagrid comes and makes his cousin, Dudley, grow a pig tail. Hagrid tells Harry that he is a WIZARD.  He brings Harry to a train station and has to find platform 9¾ (which is in a wall.) He takes Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At Hogwarts, he

makes two friends named Ron and Hermoione! He sticks with them and together they embark on many adventures and



Top 5 Kids TV Shows 2015 /2016

By Angelenny


1.  Sesame street

2.  iCarly

3.  Hannah Montana

4.  Spongebob Squarepants

5.  Little Einstein’s



Top 5 Singers Of 2015

By Claudia


1.  Taylor Swift

2.  Beyonce

3.  Adele

4.  Rihanna

5.  Justin Bieber

Wonder Book Review

By Alanna & Angela


Our opinion on Wonder: It was a great book!  Wonder is a tale about a kid who has a facial deformity. He has been in and out of hospitals his whole life. He (Auggie) has never gone to a real school and finally starts going to a school that changes his whole life. We recommend reading the book to find out more!



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